Monday, April 29, 2024

Cirrus SR22 Charter Rental Cost and Hourly Rate

cirrus design corp sr22

At 5,500 feet the true airspeed was 178 knots while burning 18 gallons of fuel per hour. I knew the wind aloft because I had just flown in, and an upwind/downwind run revealed an average groundspeed of 178 knots. The specs show 180 knots at 75 percent power at 8,000 feet, and that number should be easily attainable on about 17.5 gallons of fuel per hour.

The Airplane Impacted Trees And Terrain And Came To Rest Against A Home

Preliminary crash report released for February plane crash - WDIO

Preliminary crash report released for February plane crash.

Posted: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The S-Tec autopilot flew the airplane very well in a coupled ILS approach in light turbulence. The other is the coming of full authority digital engine control, FADEC, currently being tested at Continental and almost ready. Because FADEC requires electrical power, there is a requirement for dual systems and enough power to operate the FADEC after any imaginable electrical problem-at least until the fuel is exhausted. This might be done with a standby battery, but the most logical way to do it is with a dual electrical system, a nice thing to have with or without FADEC. The angle of incidence of the horizontal tail was changed on the SR22 to retain flying qualities with the increased horsepower. The natural evolution of airplanes is to increase the power, and that is just what Cirrus Design has done with its new SR22.

Question: Why does the parachute have to be repacked every 10 years?

cirrus design corp sr22

The top of the green on the airspeed is 178 knots, and the airplane easily indicates within 10 or 15 knots of this value at lower altitudes. Fuel capacity is 80 gallons, so high-speed trips with generous reserves would have to be on legs of a bit less than four hours each. The way the power comes on line as you advance the power lever is a little different, and if you are tending to track straight down the runway and you’re not looking at the engine gauges the sound will be different. As the power comes up the prop gets to 2500 rpm, then the manifold pressure reaches the maximum value.

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Adapting to the control system is no problem and most pilots will fly it naturally within a few moments. Despite all this built-in capability, the SR22 is quite user friendly. The grouping of switches and controls is logical and the operation of everything reflects the company’s determination to make the airplane as easy to operate as possible. The Porsche-powered Mooney PFM is the only other contemporary all-electric single.

Incidentally, the airplane would not be repairable after a chute lowering, but in drop tests with crash dummies, the dummies have fared well. At liftoff, there’s the first encounter with the control system. Trims, activated with a coolie hat on the stick, were checked before takeoff as putting the stick in the correct place. The trims actually operate springs that always center the controls at the position for which they are trimmed. After that it is a matter of operating the control for what it is-basically half a wheel with the control column moved to one side of the panel instead of centered. It’s like a true sidestick in roll where wrist motion is used to control the ailerons, but it’s like a control wheel in pitch where you have to pull or push with your arm.

Certified Flight into Known Ice (FIKI) is available on the leading edges of the wings and tail, providing the freedom to fly throughout the seasons.

Piper’s original PA-28 Cherokee proliferated thanks to versions with 150, 160, 180, and 235 horsepower. Similar examples exist at Beech, Commander, Maule, Mooney, and beyond. The biggest change was the increased MTOW of 3,600 lbs (1,633 kg) up from 3,400 lbs (1,542 kg).

The web portal includes a comprehensive civil and military aircraft encyclopedia. It provides code tables for aerodromes, air operators including the world's major airlines and for ICAO and IATA codes for aircraft. The website has also a photo gallery and gives you an overview of all aviation museums worldwide. But the SR22’s solid feedback and tactile response helped me dial in to the proper technique and timing just in time for my last try. And on touchdown each time, the rudder alone was more than ample for holding the SR22 straight on the runway centerline. Best of all, holding the stall for about 20 seconds never deprived me of aileron or rudder control.


cirrus design corp sr22

Cirrus opted for wide rocker switches, labeled for easy reading, to control the master, avionics, back-up electrical system, and fuel boost-pump. Near the right side of this surface sit the dimmers for the interior lights. The SR22, certified in November 2000, is a more powerful version of the earlier SR20. The SR22 is a low-wing cantilever monoplane of composite construction, featuring fixed (non-retractable) tricycle landing gear with a castering nose wheel and steering via differential braking on the main wheels. It is powered by a nose-mounted 310 hp (231 kW) Continental IO-550-N piston engine. The four-seat cabin is accessed through doors on both sides of the fuselage.

Where the original production Cirrus, the SR20, flies with a 200-horsepower IO-360 six-cylinder Continental, the SR22 has an IO-550 Continental six that develops 310 horsepower. Dave Higdon has a distinguished background in aviation journalism. As aviation editor for The Wichita Eagle for more than five years, he has established a reputation as one of the best general aviation reporters in the business. Previously, Dave held a variety of aviation journalism assignments with The Journal of Commerce, Air Transport World, and AOPA. He has covered every facet of aviation, from sport aviation in Tennessee, to the FAA in Washington, D.C., to Cessna, Beech, Boeing, and Learjet in Kansas. Dave is an instrument-rated private pilot and owns a very clean Piper Comanche.

However, the parachute is due to be repacked in 2023 which makes it less desirable. Being the best-selling general aviation aircraft since 2003 means that aftermarket parts and upgrades are plentiful. A 2001 SR22 can be outfitted with avionics and performance upgrades that can essentially make it a 2022 model. Finally, customers can opt to have their aircraft’s interior, exterior, or both, customized to their liking by the Cirrus Xi design team to make their Cirrus SR22-G6 bespoke.

More horsepower meant more fuel and that, too, required an internal change in the wing. Pulling the power level back to the next detent gave me a power setting of about 2,400 rpm and 23 inches of manifold pressure — about 75-percent power. Leaning down toward 18 gph brought true airspeed up to 183 knots; leaning past peak dropped fuel consumption into the 16 gph range, while true airspeed declined to just above 170. As with most airplanes, lower fuel flows help extend the range of the SR22.

Too few small aircraft possess redundant suction sources; fewer also boast of electrical-system redundancy. And for too many aircraft still, the loss of either electrical or vacuum sources puts the pilot in a partial-panel situation. Not my idea of a good time to face a partial-panel approach, if a good time ever exists. The SR22’s dual 24-volt electrical system is another noteworthy change from the SR22. Primary and back-up electrical systems provide power redundancy to a panel devoid of air-powered gyro instruments — neither vacuum pumps nor air-powered gyro instruments exist in the SR22. The Cessna TTx is also known as the Cessna 400 was introduced in 2004 and is considered to be the closest competitor to the SR22.

As closely matched as the SR20 and SR22 are in many areas, they differ most in speed, range, and fuel efficiency. At a true cruise speed just over 180 knots, the SR22 covers about 750 nautical miles in about 3.8 hours — with reserves on its 84 gallons. That’s about 50 miles shorter than the SR20 goes on 60 gallons cruising 160 knots for about 4.25 hours.

Please note that in addition to filing the required Flight Request, investigators are responsible for contacting vendors to determine if the platform meets the requirements of the proposed scientific investigation. S-Tec’s System 55X provides pretty much the full boat in autopilot capabilities, allowing you to track a heading, a VOR radial, and a GPS course, as well as to manage your climb and descent, and hold altitude in between. And when the muck is down to minimums, the S-Tec becomes a great second-in-command, by handling the airplane through coupled approaches if you so desire. As usual, horsepower proves a significant asset for flying out of high-field-elevation airports like those found in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, West Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming.

Unreservedly, Cirrus’s SR22 adds another solid contender to the market for high-performance singles, albeit one more capable than other more-sophisticated competitors. For any serious general aviation pilot, the strengths of the SR22 will be hard to ignore — especially for the money. In fact, this power class has only one other aircraft that comes close, Lancair’s muscular Columbia 300, another composite. And there are ways to stretch the range of the SR22, as there is with every airplane — you basically sacrifice some of that speed for a lower power setting that yields a sufficiently higher fuel efficiency.

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